Nice Face

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Gilbert scrunched his nose up slightly causing his new glasses to push out slightly, Ludwig had forced him to get them because he was sick and tired of his brother running into things like a moron. He glanced over at Mathias and Alfred who were sitting next to him before letting out a long suffering sigh. 

"I don't know man I just feel like these glasses kind of ruin my facial structure" He mumbled but Mathias was quick to interject. 

"Nah bro your face is fine" He reassured causing Gilbert to give him an unsure look. 

"Are you sure bro?" He asked uncertainly and Mathias just nodded enthusiastically. 

"Totally bro" He said confidently which made Gilbert smile brightly. 

"But not as good as yours" He said cheerfully which caused Mathias to smile just as brightly. 

"Aw come on bro, no one's face is as nice as yours" He fired back which then led them to giggle as they continued to compliment each other. 

Alfred stared at them in disbelief before glancing down at his at his rainbow sweater that had the word PRIDE written across the chest. He glanced back up at his two friends before letting out an exasperated sigh. 

"I am literally the straightest person at this table" He mumbled to himself in disbelief as he shook his head tiredly. 

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