Piggyback Ride

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Alfred skipped into the room cheerfully and walked right up to Gilbert who was reading on the couch. 

"Hey Gilbert, can I ride you?" He asked cheerfully which caused Gilbert to choke on air as he sat up straight and gave Alfred a wide eyed stare, who was now giving him a confused look. 

"E-excuse me?" He stuttered out which caused Alfred's smile to return. 

"I asked if I could ride you. I've ridden Ivan before, it's fun!" He said cheerfully, this only made Gilbert's eyes widen even more. 

"Wh-WAIT WHAT?!" He shouted causing Alfred to jump in surprise. 

"Yeah, he let me climb onto his back and ride him around the house" He said as he continued to blink at Gilbert in confusion. This caused Gilbert furrow his eyebrows in confusion. 

".... You mean a piggyback ride?" He asked slowly which caused a surprised expression to appear on Alfred's face. 

"Oh, that's what it's called?" He questioned while tilting his head to the side curiously which caused Gilbert to give him an exasperated look. 

"YES THAT'S WHAT IT'S CALLED" He shouted which made Alfred shrink in on himself, which instantly made Gilbert feel like crap. He sighed before crouching down so that the American could climb up onto his back, he couldn't see it but he just knew that Alfred was smiling and to be honest that made everything worth it. 

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