Coffee, Tea and Hot Chocolate

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Vlad yawned tiredly as he walked into the kitchen only to pause when he saw that Arthur and Lukas were having a shouting match. He openly gaped in shock at the sight, he slowly turned to look at Emil and Alfred who were leaning against the counter and watching the two fighting men with a mildly amused expressions on their faces. 

"What happened?" He whispered causing the two of them to snort in amusement as they glanced over at him. 

"There fighting over whether or not coffee is better then tea" Alfred explained causing Vlad to nod in understanding before he started making his own drink, the two of them raised an eyebrow but decided to leave him alone as they continued watching the verbal beat down that was going on in front of them. 

"Tea is just pompous water! Real adults drink coffee!" Lukas shouted, which still stunned the other three men in the room. Arthur scoffed in disgust.

"Coffee is disgusting! I only drink the finest leaves!" Arthur shouted back, which just made them argue even louder. 

Emil and Alfred blinked in surprise as Vlad held out to cups for them, when they took them they saw that it was hot chocolate with whip cream. They glance back up and saw that Vlad had a matching cup and saw holding something in his other hand. 

"Sometimes I like to add rainbow sprinkles" He said cheerfully as he sprinkled some sprinkles into the whip cream before holding it out to them. They grinned before copying the Romanian, they then enjoyed there drinks as they watched Lukas and Arthur continue to fight. 

"Hot Chocolate never causes arguments like this" Vlad whispered causing the other two to nod as they watched Arthur let out a battle cry as he tackled the Norwegian to the ground. 

"We should probably stop them" Emil muttered but Alfred and Vlad just shushed him. 

"Hot Choclate first" Vlad said simply, they shared a grin before going to back to enjoying their drinks. Meanwhile Arthur and Lukas were wrestling around on the ground, both refusing to back down. 

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