The Single Beauty

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Gilbert groaned in as he stretched across the couch, he was so bored! Him and Feliciano were supposed to go out but Feli had gotten sick so now he was just lazing around in the Italian's living room while Lovino just read a book on the other couch. 

"I'm bored!" He announced causing Lovino to sigh in frustration as he looked up from his book to give the Prussian an annoyed look. 

"You could, oh I don't know, go home?" He suggested plainly causing Gilbert to stick his tongue out at him. 

"I don't wanna!" He exclaimed childishly causing Lovino to roll his eyes as he went back to reading his book. 

"Then could you be quiet? I'm trying to read" He grumbled which made Gilbert huff as he went back to staring at the ceiling. Not even ten minutes later he rolled over to look at Lovino as a thought suddenly struck him, hopeful this would get some kind of response out of the grumpy Italian. 

"Have you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend?" He asked causing Lovino to raise an eyebrow in confusion but he did look away from his book as he responded. 

"No" He said simply causing Gilbert to sit up in surprise as he gaped at the Italian in shock, that was not the answer he was expecting. 

"HOW?!" He shouted in shock. Lovino shrugged as he looked up from his book and gave the Prussian a disinterested look. 

"I don't know. I never asked or got asked" He said simply going back to reading while Gilbert continued to gape at him. 

"But your so beautiful" He whispered under his breath only for Lovino's head to shoot up in shock as he stared at Gilbert with wide eyes. 

"What?" He questioned which made Gilbert panic. 

"What?!" He said panicked causing Lovino to lean closer to him with a dumbfounded look on his face. 

"Did you just-" He was cut off by Gilbert shrieking 'Nien' before he bolted out of the room. Lovino stared at the empty couch for a minute before to bolted up and started chasing after the Prussian. 

"Get back here right now and explain yourself!" He shouted as he chased after Gilbert who was determined not to be caught. 

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