Jelly Bean

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"Hey Eliza, Eliza, Eliza, Elizabeta!" Gilbert shouted causing the Hungarian to let out a long suffering sigh as she lowered her book so that she could look at Gilbert who was smiling widely at her as he held up a bag of jelly beans. 

"What do you want?" She asked in exasperation causing Gilbert's grin to widen as he pulled a single jelly bean out of his bag. 

"What would you give me if I get this jelly bean in your cleavage?" He asked cheerfully causing Elizabeta's eyebrow to twitch slightly in annoyance. 

"A concussion" She growled which caused Gilbert to shrink back fearfully, she just smirked at this before returning to her book. Satisfied that Gilbert would not be bothering her again for at least a little while. 

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