Argumentative Attraction

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Gilbert yawned softly as he watched Lovino and Ludwig arguing back and forth, they had been going at it for an hour straight. He glanced at Feliciano who looked just as bored as him before he returned his attention to squabbling duo. 

"I hate you" Ludwig growled causing Lovino to huff. 

"Wow, well, guess what? I hate you too!" Lovino snapped back. Gilbert huffed before once again turned to face Feliciano and then he was struck with a brilliant idea which caused a Chesire like grin to appear on his face. 

"They actually want to bone each other sooo bad" He said in a stage whisper which caused Feliciano to burst out laughing while Ludwig and Lovino blushed brightly in embarrassment. The two of them stuttered slightly before they both spun on their heels and stormed out of the room. Which just made Gilbert and Feliciano even louder. 

"They didn't deny it" Feliciano snickered which caused Gilbert to howl in amusement as he leaned against the Italian in an attempt to catch his breath, causing said Italian to blush slightly. 

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