Disney Movies

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Arthur yawned tiredly as he leaned back on the couch. Alfred had dragged him into a Disney movie marathon against his will and now it was currently 3am and Alfred didn't even seem remotely tired. He glanced lazily at the screen to see what movie they were watching, he had lost track after the 8th, and saw that it was Aladdin. He turned his attention back to Alfred when he heard him sigh dreamily. 

"You know, I kinda wish that if I was ever in a relationship, it wold be this cute and romantic" He said softly as a large smile appeared on his face causing Arthur to raise a skeptical eyebrow at him. 

"You want to be with a prince who, just met you, lied to you so he could get with you, and you don't even know if he's only marrying you for lust/power?" He questioned rhetorically and then without waiting for Alfred's to say anything he continued. 

 "You really are a naive Disney princess" He snorted. He raised an eyebrow when Alfred didn't say anything, he looked at him and jumped when he saw the dark expression on the American's face. 

"I was jok-" He began only to be cut off by Alfred jabbing his finger into his chest painfully. 

"Say one more word, and I'm kicking your ass out in the damn snow" He growled threateningly before crossing his arms and diverting his attention back to the movie leaving Arthur gaping at him. He took a deep breath before he also returned his attention to the movie, though he did glance down briefly when he realized Matthew had sent him a text. 

Make sure not to disrespect his Disney or you'll regret it, trust me

Arthur snorted, a little late for that. He shook his head before he went back to watching the movie. 

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