Don't Touch Alfred's Cereal

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Alfred's eyes narrowed angrily as he stared at Arthur who was eating a bowl of cereal. The problem was that that was Alfred's cereal and he did not like sharing it with anyone, not even Ivan.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" He asked menacingly causing Arthur to chuckle as he gave the American a relaxed look, Alfred didn't intimidate him in the slightest. 

"It's cereal Alfred, what are you gonna do? Kill me? Ha" He said trough his laughter. Alfred's eyes narrowed even further before a smirk appeared on his face as he took a deep breath. 

"IVAN! ARTHUR TRIED TO KISS ME!" He shouted causing Arthur's eyes to widen fearfully as Ivan burst into the room holding his pipe up threateningly there was a dangerous look in the Russian's eyes. 

"OH YOU BETTER START RUNNING IF YOU WANT TO SEE TOMORROW!" He shouted causing Arthur to scream bloody murder as he jumped up and started running as the angry Russian chased him. 

Alfred chuckled in amusement as he sat down where Arthur had been sitting so that he could eat his cereal. This is what happens when people try eating his food, he felt no sympathy for Arthur what so ever.

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