Pick A Card

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"When you said you'd do "magic in bed", this wasn't exactly what i was expecting" Gilbert  drawled as he watched Vlad shuffle of bunch of cards. He glanced up at him before he held up an 8 of hearts. 

"Is this your card?' He asked mischievously causing Gilbert's eyes to widen in shock as he stared at the card. 

"Holy shit" He said softly in awe causing a very smug expression to appear on the Romanian's face. 

"And this is why you shouldn't doubt me" He said affectionately as he leaned over to boop the Prussian's nose, making him scrunch his nose up adorably. 

"Alright I get it, now do that again" Gilbert demanded causing Vlad to chuckle before he held out the deck of cards to the Prussian. 

"Then pick a card my dear" He said teasingly which caused a faint blush to appear on Gilbert's face as he shyly took a card from the deck. 

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