A Photo From The Past

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"Peter! What did I say about running in the house!" Alfred called after the giggling boy who just stuck his tongue out at him before he turned around and continued running, Alfred pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to remember why he had agreed to watch the little demon. Oh that's right Tino and Berwald didn't trust the other Nordics or Arthur to watch him. 

He sighed tiredly as he heard something shatter. Ancients above give him strength, he mentally prayed before he went to see what Peter had broken. He rounded the corner and saw Peter staring down guiltily at a broken picture frame and a broken flower vase, the roses that had been in the vase were shattered all across the floor. 

Peter looked up when he heard approaching footsteps and instantly gave Alfred an apologetic look. 

"I'm sorry Alfred I didn't see the table" He said softly and Alfred just sighed as he glanced at the broken items. 

"And this is why we don't run in the house" He said softly causing Peter to nod softly in regret, Alfred smiled softly at him before he rubbed the blondes head. 

"It's fine, don't worry about it kiddo" He said softly causing Peter to give him a wide smile. Alfred glanced down at the mess before he glanced back at Peter. 

"Peter do you mind getting the broom for me?" He asked and Peter eagerly nodded before took off down the hall. Alfred chuckled in amusement before he crouched down and started picking up the roses, once he had placed them on the table he slipped the old photograph out of the picture frame. 

He sighed softly as he stared at it sadly, he snapped out of his trance when Peter came running over with the broom. He placed the photo on the table as he took the broom from Peter. 

"Do you think you can take the roses to the kitchen please?" He asked and Peter once again eager;y nodded before he picked up the roses from the table. Alfred smiled softly  before he began sweeping up the broken glass, when he thought Peter had left his smile fell. 

Peter picked up all of the roses only to pause when he saw the photo, his eyebrows furrowed when he saw who was in the picture. It was an old photo of Alfred and Arthur, Alfred looked happy but Arthur seemed tense. He glanced at Alfred and saw the small frown on the American's lips. 

He frowned worriedly before he slipped the photo into his pocket and then took the flowers to the kitchen, he would ask Alfred about it later. 


I had no idea that the rose was England's national flower, you learn something new everyday. 

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