Antonio Is Really Bad At Flirting

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Antonio stalked into the meeting room with purpose which caused a few people to give him curious glances, but his attention was focused solely on Lovino. He placed his hands down onto the table as he leaned in closer to Lovino who was scowling at him. 

"Okay, Lovi. If I were the last man on Earth, would you date me then?" He asked eagerly with a wide grin on his face. Lovino blinked slowly at him before glancing briefly at Feliciano who was using his paperwork to hide the small smirk on his face, he turned back towards Antonio and gave him a deadpanned look. 

"If you were the last man. I wouldn't exist" He explained slowly which caused Antonio's eyes to widen slightly. 

"Fuck" He cursed softly before he stalked off twards Gilbert and Francis, he was completely oblivious to the shocked looks Lovino and Feliciano were giving his retreating figure. 

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