No Birthday Knife For Natalya

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"Hey Ivan?" Natalya said excitedly causing Ivan to turn to face her, only to see that she was staring at something in the store window. 

"Yes Nat?" He asked as he walked closer, she briefly gave him a grin before returning her attention to whatever she was staring at. 

"I found what I want for my birthday" She said confidently causing a large grin to appear on the Russians face, they had been searching fro something for her birthday for three hours now. 

"Great! What is it?" He asked as he stopped next to her only for his smile to disappear when he saw what she was looking at. 

It was a knife. 

"No, I am not buying a knife for your birthday!" He practically shouted causing a few people to give him odd looks but he just ignored them and focused on his now pouting sister. 

"But it's pretty!" She whined and Ivan just shook his head stubbornly. 

"No!" He barked which caused the normally stoic women to begin whining. 

"Ivan please? I promise not to stab anyone with it" She begged causing Ivan to scoff in disbelief while he gave her a very unimpressed look.  

"That's what you said last Christmas when Alfred got you that Swiss army knife, and what did you do with it after only a week of owning it?" He questioned causing her to start pouting. 

"I stabbed Arthur" She grumbled before giving Ivan a slight stubborn glare. 

"But it was totally his fault, he was making Alfred cry!" She snapped causing Ivan to sigh. 

"I'm aware" He said darkly and Natalya snickered slightly as she remembered what her brother had done to the Brit. It was not pretty. 

"I'm still not buying you the knife" He said before turning on his heel and walking away causing Natalya to continue whining. 

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