Being Cute Is Not A Crime

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Tino covered his mouth to repress his giggles as he bounced silently up and down giddily. he just couldn't tare his eyes away from the peacefully sleeping figures on the couch. 

Berwald was sleeping peacefully on the couch with his arm thrown across Peter shoulders, the boy was curled up against Berwald right side and was softly snoring. But what truly added to the cuteness was that Alfred, who had been helping Berwald take care of the Peter while Tino had been out of town, was resting his head against Berwald's shoulder and the Swede had his other arm thrown across the American's shoulders. 

Tino quickly pulled out his hone and took like a dozen and immediately sent them to the other Nordics with the caption "My Boys". Mathias was cooing over the trio, Emil was giggling and Lukas just sent a smiley emoji which made Tino snort. 

He shook his head fondly before he went to get a blanket, which he then draped over the three sleeping figures. He took off Alfred and Berlwads glasses and placed them on the coffee table before he went to go finish unpacking, the cute sight in the Living room had distracted him. 

Honestly it should he a crime being that cute, he thought to himself as he spared one more glance at the living room before he retreated. 

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