Ex Boyfriend

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Alfred glanced up from cake he was baking when he heard the doorbell, he placed the whisk down so that he could answer the door. Knowing that probably hadn't heard it from his office. He wiped off his hands on his pants legs before he opened the door only to stumble back in shock at who he saw. 

It was his Ex Arthur. 

They had broken up nine months ago due to the Brits constant cheating and borderline physical abuse, the Brit hadn't actually hit him but he had made multiple threats and had bumped him a few time causing him to fall on broken glass or hit his arm on a hot stove top. 

"Arthur? What the hell are you doing here?" He questioned as he narrowed his eyes the blonde, but he seemed unaffected as he just gave Alfred a large grin. 

"Alfred love! Its so good to see you! May I come in?" The Brit asked cheerfully which only made Alfred's eyes narrow further. 

"No, you may not" He practically growled which caused Arthur's smile to disappear and be replaced with a displeased frown. 

"Now Alfred you know better than to speak to me like that" He said in a threatening tone of voice which caused a chill to run down Alfred's spine. 

"I-I don't care. This is my home and I asked you to leave"He said stubbornly internally cursing at himself for stuttering. Arthur's frown turned into a venomous glare. 

"Alfred you are going to let me in and we are going to talk about our relationship" He growled which caused Alfred to flinch at the threat, but before he could d or say anything he felt a pair of arms circle around his waist. 

"He told you to leave" Ludwig growled which caused Alfred to sigh in relief as he melted into his boyfriend's strong grip. A nasty look appeared on Arthur's face as he stared at the muscular German. 

"And who are you?" Arthur questioned angrily as he glared at the arms that were wrapped around Alfred. 

"I'm Ludwig Beilschmidt, Alfred's boyfriend" Ludwig said plainly with a hint of smugness in his tone of voice which caused  Arthur's glare to harden. 

"So the little bitch has already moved on" Arthur growled which caused Alfred to flinch and furious glare to appear on Ludwig's face. 

"I think you should leave before I decide to call the cops" Ludwig said in a  dark tone of voice which caused Arthur to scoff before he turned on his heel and walked away. Ludwig slammed the door shut before he turned to face Alfred who was staring at the ground as he trembled, Ludwig's face softened before he pulled the American's into his arms. 

"It's alright Liebling, he's gone" He whispered soothing into Alfred's ear causing the blonde to slowly relax into the German's strong arms. They stayed like that for almost half an hour before Ludwig gently lead Alfred towards the couch so that he could cuddle with his boyfriend, his paperwork could wait until he was confident that his boyfriend wouldn't have a panic attack. 

Though he did make a note to get in contact with Lovino and see if the Italian could make the Brit disappear. 

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