The Dress

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Alfred glared down at the article of clothing in his hands before turning to face Eilzabeta who was practically vibrating in excitement. He had decided to help Elizabeta with setting up for her party and now he was wondering if that was a mistake.

"Give me one good reason why I should wear a dress" He draaled causing a pout to briefly a appear on her face before it was replaced by a wicked grin. 

"Because it will drive Arthur mental?" She suggested cheerfully. Alfred stared at her for minute before nodding. 

"Good reason" He said offhandedly as he walked into the washroom so that he could change causing Elizabeta to blink in surprise before her grin returned. 

10 minutes later Alfred walked out wearing a blue and white dress, before he could anything to Elizabeta she placed something on his head and the took a picture. 

"Oh you are so cute!" She gushed causing Alfred to blush and cover his face in embarrassment. 

"No I'm not" He mumbled softly causing a frown to appear on Elizabeta's face. 

"Oh sweetie don't think like that, you look wonderful" She said softly as she pulled into a hug. He peaked through his fingers to look at her and she just gave him a reassuring look. 

"Now come on everyone will be arriving soon and I want lots of pictures of not only Arthur's head exploding but plenty of pictures of you dancing with a certain someone" She said teasingly causing Alfred's blush to grow ten fold.

"No I can't let him see me like this, he'll never even think about going out with me after this" He cried out and tried to go back into the washroom but Elizabeta was quick to stop him. 

"Nope, no backing out now" She said stubbornly before Alfred could make a comment Roderich poked his head into the room. 

"Everyone has arrived Eliza" He said before blinking in surprise when he saw Alfred. 

"Doesn't he look adorable Roderich?" She asked cheerfully causing a soft mile to appear on the Austrian's face. 

"Yes, you both look lovely now come on everyone is waiting" He said before walking away. Elizabeta grinned before dragging Alfred downstairs. 

"Welcome everyone!" She said cheerfully causing everyone to look at her only for their attention to turn towards Alfred. Elizabeta got lots of pictures of Arthur screaming and raging over his little brother wearing a dress, she would have gotten more if Francis hadn't dragged the Brit away. 

Alfred was having an awkward conversation with some of the girls when he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around and met a pair of amused red eyes. 

"Hello Alfie, care for a dance?" He said in amusement as he held his hand out to the flustered American. Alfred just nodded and lead towards the dance floor, his embarrassment forgotten as he simply enjoyed Gilbert's company. 

Elizabeta grinned widely as she took pictures of the dancing duo, she was so engrossed in her picture taking that she didn't even notice Francis standing next to her until he spoke up. 

"You are an evil woman Elizabeta" He said in amusement causing her to raise an eyebrow at him. 

"I have no idea what your talking about Francis" She said dismissively causing Francis to snort in amusement. 

"Ah, so you didn't use Gilbert's crush on Alfred as an excuse to get Alfred into a dress?" He asked and his only answer was Elizabeta giving him a sly grin which he returned. 

"Do remember to send me some of those photos afterwards alright? You do owe for getting you that dress in Alfred's size" He said offhandedly as he walked away leaving behind an amused Hungarian in his wake. 

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