Sneaky Canadian

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Matthew raised an eyebrow as he watched how flustered Alfred got when Ivan sent him a small smile before he continued his conversation with Toris, his brother was so gone on Ivan it was almost pathetic. He jumped in shock when Alfred suddenly slammed his fist onto the table. 

"That's fucking it, I'm killing him" He grumbled as he turned to face Matthew who raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him. 

"Or you can man up and ask him out" He drawled causing Alfred's blush to grow ten fold. 

"K-killing... is easier" He mumbled causing Matthew to roll his eyes in exasperation. 

"Sure it is" He said simply as he got up causing Alfred's to give him a confused look. He gave him a smirk before he walked over to Ivan, completely ignoring Alfred's panicking. 

"Hey Ivan can I steal you for a minute?" He asked as he approached the Russian. Ivan raised an eyebrow before ending his conversation with Toris and following Matthew who was leading him towards Alfred. 

"What is it you need Matthew?" He asked curiously but Matthew just gestured for him to take a seat across from Alfred, who was sweating nervously. 

"There, now enjoy your date" He said simply before walking away and back towards Toris who was silently laughing, he could only imagine what Alfred and Ivan's faces must look like. 

"That was sneaky Matthew" Toris said cause Matthew to chuckle in amusement.

"What can I say, Alfred's pinning was driving me nuts" He said causing Toris to chuckle in agreement. 

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