Big Shirt

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Ivan raised an amused eyebrow as he leaned back on the couch so that he could stare into the hallway. Standing there was Alfred tiredly rubbing at his eyes as he yawned cutely, and while that was absolutely adorable that was not what had caught his attention. 

"Is that my shirt?" He asked fondly causing Alfred to blink tiredly at him before he looked down at the shirt he was wearing which went down past his knees. He slowly looked up at Ivan and gave him an innocent look. 

"No" He said causing Ivan to chuckle as he pat the the spot next to him. Alfred grinned as he curled up to next to him. 

"Your adorable" Ivan said fondly as he leaned down to kiss the American's forehead which made Alfred give him an almost blinding smile as he snuggled even closer to him. 

"And your comfy" He said sweetly as he rested his head on Ivan's chest and almost immediately fell back asleep. Ivan chuckled softly as he wrapped an arm around his precious boyfriend as he went back to watching T.V. 

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