The Hero Singing Like A Villain

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Lovino placed his head into his hands as he tried to fight back a grin as he listened to Alfred sing along to Poor Unfortunate Souls from the Little Mermaid. The American had invited him over for a Disney movie marathon, and at first Alfred singing along to the songs was adorable but Alfred singing along to the villain songs? Yeah that wasn't something he needed until he got it. For someone who was always preaching about heroes Alfred was damn good at villain songs. 

"You are an adorable dork" He mumbled fondly as he stared at Alfred who was catching his breath, the American gave him a wide grin. 

"I'm adorkable, and your stuck with me" He said cheekily as he pulled the Italian into a tight hug which caused Lovino to blush brightly before he snuggled into Alfred's arms. 

"You should sing Villain songs more often your really good at it" He mumbled sleepily as he snuggled even further into Alfred's arms as the American chuckled. 

"You sound like Francis when ever we listen to musical soundtracks together" He said in amusement which caused Lovino to give him a curious look. 

"Really?" He asked and Alfred just nodded cheerfully. 

"Yeah apparently I do a really good version of The Pitiful Children" He said in amusement only to yelp when Lovino suddenly sat up and stared at him in shock before he grabbed Alfred's shoulders and stared right into his eyes. 

"You have to show me" He demanded seriously causing Alfred to chuckle as he removed the Italian hands from his shoulders. 

"Maybe later darling" He said fondly as he hugged Lovino close. Lovino pouted stubbornly before he sighed and snuggled back into Alfred's chest. 

"Alright, but you will sow me eventually" He grumbled causing Alfred to chuckle once again. 

"Of course" Was all he said as they went back to watching the movie. 

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