Car Crash

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Matthew frowned worriedly as sat on the stiff chair in between Arthur and Alfred's hospital beds. the two of them had been in a car crash, thankfully they hadn't been hurt to badly, but they had yet to tell him how. All he knew was that Francis, who had left to get to lunch for them all, had found the reason hilarious. 

"So how did you get into a car accident?" He finally asked breaking the silence causing a slightly grumpy expression to appear on Arthur's face while a faint blush appeared on Alfred's face as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. 

"Well, we were driving and there was a deer in the road that Alfred didn't notice. So, I said 'Alfred, deer!'" Arthur explained causing Matthew to raise an eyebrow when the Brit gave Alfred a pointed look. 

"And you want to tell Matthew what your response was?" He prompted causing Alfred to grow as he let out an embarrassed sigh. 

"'Yes honey?'" He mumbled softly as he covered his face with his hands. Matthew blinked a few times in shock before he burst out laughing which Arthur joined in on while Alfred just groaned in embarrassment. 

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