Drunken Stealing

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Ivan scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion as he stared at a Arthur, who was softly giggling to himself, before he turned to look at Alfred, who was staring at the Brit with an exasperated expression on his face. 

"What's wrong with Arthur?" He asked which caused Alfred to let out a very long suffering sigh before he turned to look up at the Russian. 

"He doesn't handle alcohol well" He explained, and as if to prove him right Arthur suddenly stood up and let out a maniacal laugh. 

"I'm gonna steal the declaration of independence!" He shouted cheerfully before he bolted out of the room, Alfred's eyes widen before he sprinted after the drunk Brit. 

"Arthur No!" He shouted as he ran out of the room leaving Ivan blinking in confusion behind him. 

"Don't mind them, this is all very normal" Matthew explained as he sat down next to the Russian, to which he just slowly nodded in understanding. He had never seen a drunk quite like Arthur before, it was kinda jarring really. 

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