Passive Aggressive Gift Giving

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Yao smiled softly in amusement as he watched Leon struggling to carry a bunch of wrapping paper over to his desk where his gift for Emil was sitting, the two of them had still yet to confess their feelings for each other and were instead going above and beyond with their birthday gifts in hopes that the other would make the first move. 

Yao and the other Nordic's found the whole situation absolutely  hilarious. 

"You know this passive aggressive birthday day gift war is getting ridiculous, right?" He questioned causing Leon to turn and give him an almost venomous glare, which lost it's intimidation factor due to the bright blue bow stuck to his head. 

"Shut up and help me wrap this giant stuffed panda" He growled causing Yao to chuckle in amusement as he pushed off of the wall to help the grumpy Asian. 

"Okay, okay I'll help" He said softly as he started sorting through the wrapping paper rolls, Leon grinned and went back to wrapping. 

"Beside your one to talk, I've seen the gifts you and Ivan give to each other" He said teasingly causing Yao's face to go bright red. 

"Shut up" He grumbled in embarrassment which of course just made Leon laugh loudly in amusement. 

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