Self Destructive Habits

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Alfred sighed tiredly as he gulped down his coffee, not caring that it was still burning hot. He glanced up as Matthew sat down next to him, the Canadian raised an eyebrow when he noticed the heavy bags under his brothers eyes. 

"Alfie have you been sleeping?" He questioned causing his brother to sigh as he sat up and shrugged tiredly. 

"So basically my plan for being able to keep up with anything for pretty much the next month is to just not sleep, drink a lot of coffee, and hope the power of Halloween can get me through it all" He explained before taking another sip of his drink, his brother was staring at him with poorly concealed concern. 

"Do you take constructive criticism?" He asked worriedly, to which Alfred just gave him a small smirk. 

"Not without crying" He simply before he got up to refill his coffee cup. Matthew stared at his retreating back before he sighed and got up as well so that he could go and track down Arthur and Francis, looks like they were going to have to have another intervention for Alfred. That boy just did not know how to properly take care of himself without self destructing. . 

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