Banned From The Kitchen

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"Nope out of the kitchen" Lovino said sternly as he pushed Arthur out of the kitchen, he pointedly ignored the Brit's loud whining. 

"I wasn't going to cook or anything I know you wouldn't let me, so why can't I just watch you?" He questioned in frustration causing Lovino to snort in disbelief. 

"Last time you just watched me cook you dumped a whole pack of salt into he soup" He drawled which caused Arthur to huff, 

"It was an accident" He grumbled childishly causing Lovino to snort in amusement as a fond smile appeared on his face. 

"Sure it was love" He fondly as he kissed the Brit's cheek causing a soft smile to appear on Arthur's face. 

"Your still banned from the kitchen though" Lovino said teasingly with a small smirk on his face before he quickly disappeared back into the kitchen causing a pout to instantly appear on Arthur's face. 

He huffed in frustration and stomped his foot childishly before he sulked off into the living room so that he could distract himself with a book or something. He pointedly ignored Lovino's laughter coming from the kitchen. 

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