Coffee And Cereal

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Alfred squints down at the coffee pot in his left hand and then at the cereal bowl in right hand, he pursed his lips in thought as he stared at the two items. 

"What if instead of milk in my cereal I put coffee" He mumbled to himself, Matthew walked past him and took the coffee pot out of his hand. 

"What if you didn't" He commented back, Alfred huffed before opening up the fridge to grab some milk while Matthew chuckled and poured the coffee in his mug. His brother was such a weirdo first thing in the morning. 

Once Alfred had his cereal properly prepared Matthew handed him a a coffee mug which he squinted down at. 

"Is it-" He began only to be cut off by Matthew. 

"One cream and five sugars just like usual" He supplied which caused Alfred to grin before he a drink of his coffee happily. 

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