Ice Cream Or Murder

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Antonio, Francis and Gilbert watched in amusement as Lovino paced back and forth in agitation. They weren't sure what had pissed the feisty Italian off but whatever it was most have been pretty major because he had been pacing for two hours straight now. 

Finally Lovino let out a strangled enraged scream before he stormed over towards them and held his hand out demandingly towards Antonio causing the Spaniard to raise and eyebrow in confusion.

"Keys" He growled, Antonio shared a brief look with the others before he pulled the car keys out of his pocket. Lovino snatched them up before storming odd towards the front door. He paused after opening the door and turned to face them. 

"I am either going out for ice cream, or to commit a heinous crime. I'll decided in the car" He said gruffly before slamming the door shut behind him as he stomped towards his and Antonio's car. 

Antonio, Francis and Gilbert just gaped in shock at the closed door as they listened to the car speeding away. 

"He wasn't serious, right?" Francis asked worriedly and all Antonio did was shrug weakly in response. 

"Maybe?" He said uncertainly causing Francis to sigh while Gilbert just shrugged as he got over his initial shock. 

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Lovino knows not to get caught" He said simply as he stood up and walked away leaving Francis and Antonio gaping at his back. 

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