Thieving Cat's

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Alfred sighed tiredly as he step out of his apartment only to pause when he saw a small cat running down the hall with a wallet in it's mouth as his neighbor chased after it. 

"Quick catch that cat it stole my wallet!" The Italian shouted which caused Alfred to grin slightly in amusement. As it ran by him he reached down and picked up the cat causing it to drop the wallet in surprise. 

"Naughty kitty" He chided teasingly as Lovino approached him and reached down to pick up his wallet. 

"Thank you Alfred" He said in relief as he slipped his wallet back into his pocket, Alfred just gave him a large grin. 

"No problem Lovi" He said cheerfully which caused a faint blush to appear on Lovino's cheeks before he tried to hide it by taking the cat out of Alfred's arms. 

"Is he yours?" Alfred asked and Lovino shook his head. 

"No I'm watching him for my half brother Hercules" He said and Alfred nodded in understanding as he reached over and pet the cat.

"What's his name?" He asked as the cat turned into a purring mess. 

"Hermes" Lovino said causing Alfred to chuckle in amusement. 

"He certainly lived up to his name sake" He said in amusement causing Lovino to laugh in agreement. 

"He's a little trouble maker all right" He said in amusement with a small smile on his face which caused Alfred to smile as well. 

"Care for some coffee?" He asked and Lovino nodded.

"That sounds great, just let me bring this trouble maker back to my apartment" He said only for Alfred to wave his hand dismissivly. 

"Naw he can come in, he and Hero can play" He said cheerfully causing Lovino to raise an eyebrow. 

"Want your giant golden retriever to play with a tiny cat?" He asked causing Alfred to huff. 

"Hero is a sweet heart he would never hurt him" He said childishly causing Lovino to chuckle. 

"Alright, alright you win" He said in amusement which caused a large grin to appear on the American's face as he opened the door and gestured for Lovino to come inside. Lovino chuckled once more before complying. 

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