Love Is For Fools

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"Don't you ever want to find love?" Alfred questioned as he turned around to look at Arthur who was taking things out of his brief case. He paused so that he could look up and give the American an annoyed look. 

"I have no heart. Love is for fools. I'm a badass brain, and I don't need no man in my life-" His rant was cut off by Matthew and Francis walking into the room, Francis was giggling softly  at something the Canadian had said. 

"...Well fuck" Arthur swore as he stared into the direction of the Frenchman causing Alfred to burst out laughing. 

"What was that about loving being for fools?" He questioned teasingly which caused the Brit to scowl at him angrily. 

"Shut. Up." He grumbled angrily as he slumped into his seat which just made Alfred laugh even more. 

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