Height Of Stupidity

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Feliciano hummed in thought as he flipped through some paperwork, which he probably wouldn't do, before he glanced over at Lovino who was sitting next to him casually eating a tomato. 

"In you opinion, what's the height of stupidity?" He asked causing the Italian to give him a thoughtful look before glanced at the door way as Gilbert walked into the room. 

"Hey Gil, how tall are you?" He asked which caused Gilbert to give him a  confused look while Feliciano used his hand to stop himself from laughing. 

"Why?" Gilbert asked which just made Lovino give him a faint smirk. 

"Research" He said casually which just made Gilbert's frown deepen. 

"I'm choosing not to answer that" He said before he turned on his heel and left the room which caused Lovino to pout slightly as he turned back to face his brother. 

"I guess I was wrong" He simply said but before Feliciano could say anything Lovino delivered the stinger that really made him burst out laughing. 

"How tall is Antonio?" 

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