Go Away Gilbert

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Ludwig sighed in frustration as Gilbert continued to ramble about his day, he had been trying to get his paperwork done but it seemed the Prussian had different plans. 

"Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else?" He asked which caused Gilbert to pause and give him a confused look before he gave him a wide grin. 

"Not until four" He proclaimed proudly before he went back to rambling which caused Ludwig to let out a long suffering sigh. well that didn't work guess he has to be direct about it.

"Gilbert i'm trying to work" He said which caused Gilbert to pout. 

"I know but-" He began only to be cut off by Ludwig giving him a deadpanned look. 

"Oh-okay, I'll just go both Roddy or something" He said with a large grin before he left the room. Ludwig let out a relived sigh before he continued his work. 

Gilbert frowned softly as he leaned against the closed door before he sighed and went back to his room in the basement. Once down there he grabbed a small notebook and flipped it open. He made a tally next to Ludwig's name. 

"Good job Gil that the twentieth time this week that you've annoyed Ludwig" He mumbled weakly as he stared down at the book. He sighed before flopping down on his bed. A traitorous voice in the back of his head told him that he should just stay down here were he couldn't bother anyone, he just pulled his stuffed panda close to his chest and told the voice to shut up before he slipped into a restless sleep. 

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