Just Like A Duckling

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Francis hummed cheerfully as he walked out the hall from the meeting from, nothing had gotten done again, but he was in a pretty good mood regardless. 

"Francis hold up a minute" Arthur requested as he jogged slightly to catch up with the Frenchman. Francis slowed down slightly to give Arthur time to catch up. 

"Hello Arthur, what can I do for you?" He asked cheerfully as he Brit caught up with him. An uneasy expression appeared on Arthur's face. 

"I don't mean to freak you out or anything but Ivan has been following you since you left the meeting room" He worriedly only to raise a confused eyebrow when Francis chuckled in amusement. 

"I know" He said cheerfully which just confused the Brit even more. 

"You... know?" He questioned baffled causing Francis to nod cheerfully. 

"Yes, he does this all the time" He said offhandedly which did not make Arthur any less confused. 

"He follows you around often?" He asked to which Francis nodded cheerfully. 

"Yup" He said casually leaving Alfred even more confused. 

"Why?" He finally asked causing a soft chuckle to escape the Frenchman. 

"Whenever he wants to talk to me or ask for advice he always follows he around for a while until I acknowledge his presence" He explained causing a look of understanding to briefly appear on the Brit's face before it was replaced once again with confusion. 

"But then if you know he's following you now, why haven't you acknowledged?" He asked which caused a soft smile to appear on Francis' face. 

"I like letting him follow me for a while because he's like an adorable duckling" He said sweetly causing Arthur to roll his eyes. 

"Does this have anything to do with that thing you told me and Alfred about last week?" He asked teasingly causing a blush to appear on the Frenchman's cheeks. 

"Maybe" He muttered sheepishly causing an amused grin to appear on the Brit's face. 

"Alfred was right, you really do have it bad" He chuckled which just made Francis' blush grow tenfold. 

"Oh shush you" He muttered which just made Arthur chuckle in amusement. 

What neither of them realized was that Ivan close enough to them that he could hear everything they were saying and now he was also sporting a blush. He may or may not have a tiny itsy bitsy crush on the Frenchman. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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