Sobbing And Running Away

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Matthew sighed softly as he ran his fingers through Gilbert hair as the Prussian sobbed into his chest. He and Ludwig had gotten into a huge fight which had left the Prussian a complete wreck. 

"I'm sure he didn't mean it Gil" He mumbled softly but Gilbert just stubbornly shook his head as he gave the Canadian a tear stained look. 

"He told be he hated me and wished that I wasn't his brother Matthew! I highly doubt he had just made that up on the spot!" He shouted through his sobs before he buried his head back into Matthew's chest. Matthew frowned worriedly as he stared down at his heart broken boyfriend, he didn't know what to do to comfort him nothing he said worked. 

He glanced over at his phone to see if Alfred had texted him, he had sent the American to talk with Ludwig. He sighed when he saw that he had no new texts, he glanced back at Gilbert who was still sobbing heavily. Ancients above give him strength, he mentally prayed as he tried in vain to comfort the broken man. 


Alfred let out a frustrated sigh as he continued walking down the street, after Ludwig had told his brother he hated him he had run out of the house and Alfred just couldn't find the German. It was pretty clear that Ludwig did not want to be found. 

He sighed once before he pulled out his phone and started dialing a certain number, time to pull out the big guns he thought grimly as he placed the phone against his ear as the phone stopped ringing. 

"Hello?" An Italian accented voice questioned curiously causing Alfred to sigh in relief that he had picked up. 

"Hey Feli it's Alfred, I need your help" He said in a serious tone of voice which instantly grabbed the Italian's attention. 

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