No Blood On The Dress

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Gilbert placed his phone on his shoulder so that he could hold it up to his ear as he shifted through his closet looking for a shirt to wear for tonight. The phone rang three times before Elizabeta finally picked up. 

"Hello Liebling" He said cheerfully causing her to chuckle fondly. 

"Hello Gil" She huffed in amusement causing Gilbert to grin widely. 

"How's the meeting?" He asked casually as he picked out a shirt from his closet and threw it onto his bed. He smiled in amusement when he heard Elizabeta let out a very long suffering sigh. 

"I want to stab everyone" She groaned in frustration causing Gilbert to laugh. 

"Don't get blood on your dress. We have dinner reservations at seven" He said through his laughter which made her chuckle as well. 

"Love you for enabling me" She said sweetly causing a faint blush to appear on Gilbert's face as he smiled bashfully. 

"Love you too~" He chirped cheerfully as he pretended to blow a kiss into the phone causing her to laugh once again. 

"I got to go but I'll see you seen Gil" She said in amusement before hanging up, Gilbert laughed before he continued to pick out his outfit. 

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