Alfred Is So Done With His Drunk Friends

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Alfred sighed in frustration as he drove Arthur, Antonio, Gilbert and Francis back to their hotel room. The four of them had gone out drinking without telling him, so imagine his surprise when a frustrated bar tender calls him on Arthur's phone to pick them up. 

He glanced at the four babbling idiots in the back of his car and sighed tiredly, Spirits why was he friends with these idiots in the first place?

"Hey hic hey Alfie did did I ever tell you about hic the time I I started a cult?" Arthur asked cheerfully through his hiccups causing Alfred to sigh. 

"Yes Arthur you've told me 30 times, today" He huffed which caused the four drunks to begin giggling to themselves. Alfred sighed, it was way to early to be dealing with this shit. 

He pulled into the hotels parking lot and he couldn't help but sigh in relief when he saw Ludwig, Lovino and Matthew waiting outside. He parked the car and flung the door open before flopping into his brothers arms. 

"I hate drunk people" He groaned causing Matthew, Lovino and Ludwig to huff in amusement. Alfred rolled his eyes before gesturing to the four drunks in his car. 

"Well boys your prince charming's await" He said teasingly causing the three men to huff before they grabbed their specific targets. 

Ludwig put Gilbert on his shoulder before walking off while said Prussian made bird chirps. Lovino just dragged Antonio away while he scolded him in Italian, Matthew carefully lead Francis away while said Frenchman petted his hair and told him in French how soft it was. Alfred chuckled in amusement before glancing down at the drunk Brit that was still in his car. 

He sighed before coping Ludwig and placing the Brit on his shoulder before heading off towards their hotel room. The whole walk their Arthur once again told him the story of how he and Vlad formed a cult just to win a bet against Lukas, which the first time he had heard the story he had found it hilarious but the 31st time? Yeah it wasn't as funny anymore. 

He pushed the door open with his foot and walked in before once again closing the door with his foot. He ignored the sleepy grumbling coming from Ivan as he dropped Arthur onto his separate bed before he crawled into his own bed and pulled the Russian into his arms. 

"So how drunk is he?" Ivan mumbled as he nuzzled his head into the crook of Alfred's neck. Alfred huffed slightly in amusement at his cuddly boyfriends actions. 

"Not as bad as last time, this time he only told me the cult story like 30 times instead of crying/screaming about the Revolutionary war" He said causing Ivan to chuckle slightly. 

"Now please lets just sleep" Alfred grumbled as he pulled Ivan closer. Ivan laughed softly before complying, Alfred could be such a grump when he was sleepy. 

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