A Candian's Safe

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"Lovino what are you doing?" Alfred asked baffled as he stared at the Italian who was glaring at a safe while he was trying multiple different combinations. He turned to face him and gave him a very frustrated expression. 

"I'm trying to break into your brothers safe so that I can see what he's hiding" He explained in a serious tone of voice causing Alfred to chuckle in amusement as he walked closer. 

"I should be trying to defend my older brothers secrets but this is to hilarious to pass up" He said in amusement as he leaned against the wall. Lovino huffed before he went back to trying to crack the code. 

"This thing is as impenetrable as the vaults in Gringots" Lovino grumbled to himself only to stiffen when he realized what he had just said, he slowly turned to look at Alfred and saw that he was grinning widely at him. 

"Did you just?" He questioned giddily and Lovino just stubbornly shook his head. 

"i did not" He said hurriedly which only made Alfred burst out laughing. Lovino groaned before he gave the American a deadpanned look. 

"Don't tell Arthur" He said seriously and all Alfred could do was nod as he tried to get control of his laughter. Lovino huffed before he went back to trying to crack the code.

After 20 minutes had passed Lovino groaned in frustration and slammed his head against the safe. Alfred rolled his eyes fondly before he reached over and punched in a code, 


And immediately the safe unlocked causing Lovino to gape in disbelief at the widely grinning American. 

"You knew the whole time?" He said in disbelief which caused Alfred's grin to turn into a deadpanned expression. 

"It's Matthew, It wasn't that hard to figure out what his code would be" He drawled causing Lovino to pout. Alfred smiled before he gestured to the safe.

"You know you can open it now right?" He asked teasingly causing Lovino to stick his tongue out at him before he pried open the safe only to deadpan at what he saw. 

"I should have seen this coming" He said in a tired tone of voice, Alfred leaned over to look inside and nodded at what he saw. 

"Yeah this is what I thought" He drawled in amusement. Inside of the safe was just bottles on bottles of maple syrup. 

"I just wasted half an hour trying to open this safe only to find Matthew's secret syrup stash" Lovino grumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair tiredly. Alfred chuckled in amusement as he placed his hand onto the Italian's shoulder. 

"Come on let's go watch a Disney movie" He said comfortingly causing Lovino to sigh before he nodded. 

"Yeah that sounds good" He said as he turned to face Alfred causing the American to grin. Before they turned away they once again turned to face the safe. 

"Wanna change the code to mess with him?" Alfred asked curiously as he raised an eyebrow at the Italian who was now rocking a devilish smirk. 

"Absolutely" He said vindictively causing an equally wicked smirk to appear on Alfred's face. They fiddled with the safe for a while before they walked away giggling, they couldn't wait to see the Candian's face when he realized the code had been changed. 

The new code was, 16-18-1-14-11. 


If anyone can get guess what the two codes spell you will have my respect. 

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