Not Special

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Arthur growled softly as he stared at Alfred who just smirked in satisfaction, both of them were knee deep in bubbles totally not a by product of Alfred's prank on the Brit. 

"I could kill you if I wanted to" He growled which caused Alfred to raise an unimpressed eyebrow as he cocked his hip to the side and placed his hand on it. 

"Yeah? So could another human being" He remarked casually, but before Arthur could say anything in return Alfred continued talking. 

"So could a dog"

"So could a dedicated duck" 

"You aren't special, Arthur" He finished simply before sinning on his heel and walking out of the room, masterfully avoiding slipping on the bubbles which were beginning to pop and turn into a messy slippery pool. 

"What the fuck" Arthur mumbled to himself before he attempted to follow after the American only to trip on the bubbles and fall onto his back with a painful groan. 

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