Tall Boyfriends

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Feliciano frowned slightly as he stared at Ludwig who was peacefully baking, completely oblivious to the Italian's stare. 

"My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss on the lips. What do I do?" He suddenly asked as he turned to face the others in the room causing Ludwig to gape at his back while the others shared a brief look.

"Punch him in the stomach. Then, when he doubles over in pain, kiss him" Elizabeta suggested casually as she gave the Italian a soft smile. 

"Tackle him" Roderich offered offhandedly as he continued to flip through his sheet music. 

"Dump him" Lovino said cheerfully as he gave the German a shark like grin, as if his brother would actually listen to his suggestion. 

"Kick him in the shin" Gilbert commented as he side eyed his brother in amusement, the man looked like he was starting to panic. 

"NO TO ALL OF THOSE. JUST AK ME TO LEAN DOWN" Ludwig shouted causing everyone to laugh while Feliciano skipped over to him and motioned him to lean down, which he did with a sigh. He couldn't help but smile when the Italian pecked him on the lips. 

"I know, I just think you look cute when you panic" He said cheerfully before skipping out of the room leaving Ludwig to gape at his retreating back while everyone else just laughed. 

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