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Peter sighed tiredly as he listened to Wendy and Sebastion argue back and forth, he honestly couldn't remember what had started the fight. He glanced around hoping to find something to distract them before an idea struck him. 

"Hey, guy! Look what I can do!" He suddenly announced before he quickly did a headstand in hopes of distracting them from their fighting. This caused Wendy to give him a very confused look while a thoughtful one appeared on Sebastion's face. 

"But... what does that have to do with anything?" Wendy questioned but Sebastion just waved his hand at her dismissively as he continued to stare at Peter thoughtfully. 

"No, no. He's got a point" He said seriously causing Wendy to give him a disbelieving look while Peter fell over from to much blood rushing to his head. But Sebastion and Wendy just went back to arguing without sparing the groaning blonde a second glance. 

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