Reasons To Smile

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Gilbert glanced from his book curiously when Ludwig, Feliciano and Lovino walked into the living room, he instantly raised an eyebrow when he noticed that Lovino had an insanely bright smile on his face. 

"You're smiling, did something goof happen?" He asked which instantly caused Lovino's smile to turn into a pout. 

"Can't I just smile because I feel like it?" He snapped back defensively, but before Gilbert could say anything Feliciano quickly interjected. 

"Ludwig tripped and fell in the parking lot" He explained which caused Lovino's smile to return and for Ludwig to blush faintly in embarrassment, Gilbert couldn't help but to chuckle at this. 

"Ah, a very good reason to smile indeed" He said brightly as he went back to reading his book, cheerfully he ignored his brothers grumbling and instead he chose to relish in the Italian brother's laughter. 

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