Flirting Gone Wrong

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Gilbert confidently strolled into the living room causing Feliciano and Ludwig to glance at him briefly before returning to their own conversation, Lovino was completely ignoring him in favor of listening to his music. 

"Lovino, I was wondering if you like the Heathers musical?" Gilbert asked as he leaned against the back of the couch causing the Italian to raise a confused eyebrow as he took off his headphones. 

"Uh, yeah?" He said in confusion causing a very smug smile to appear on the Prussian's face as he stood up straight. 

"Great! Then would you like to be the Jason Dean to my Veronica?" He asked in flirtatious tone causing Feliciano to coo while Lovino frowned with a slightly upset look in his eyes. 

"Awww, Gilbert's flirting-" Felciano began only to be cut off by Lovino's response. 

"Are you telling me to kill myself?' He asked with an upset expression on his face causing Gilbert's eyes to widen in panic as he desperately tried to reassure the Italian that that was not what he mean't. 

"Well that didn't go as expected" Ludwig commented and Feliciano just nodded softly in agreement. 

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