No Killing Arthur

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Alfred sighed tiredly as he dragged Natalya away from Arthur's unconscious form. The Brit had been making fun of him to the point were he had started crying and Natalya had taken it upon herself to knock the man out 

"Can I kill him?" She begged as he dragged her away causing Alfred to sigh in exasperation, there was a reason he was dragging her away from Arthur. 

"No" He said causing a pout to appear on her face. 

"Just a little bit?" She pleaded and Alfred just shook his head tiredly. 

"No" He stressed causing her pout to grow. 

"But he made you cry, again" She stressed causing Alfred to roll his eyes. 

"Yeah he does that a lot that doesn't mean you can kill him" He grumbled and Natalya huffed in annoyance. 

"Besides once Francis is done with him he we will wish you had killed him" He said in amusement causing a wicked grin to appear on the Belarussians face. Francis was very protective of his kids, Alfred included, so when the Frenchman learns that Arthur made Alfred cry? Oh the Brit was going to be in for a very long lecture, and also no sex for like a year. 

"Alright, but can we at least draw a dick on his head?" She asked causing Alfred to pause before a smirk appeared on his face. 

"Okay, but no stabbing" He said seriously causing Natlya to grin before the two of them approached the unconscious Brit with sharpies in their hands.

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