Big Spoon Or Little Spoon

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"Are you a big spoon or a little spoon?" Francis questioned as he stared at Lovino who gave him a murderous look. 

"I'm a knife" He growled out causing Francis to pout slightly, that was not the kind of response that he wanted. 

"He's a little spoon!" Gilbert called from the other side of the room causing Lovino to blush brightly while Francis gave him a soft smile. 

"I'm the same" He said as if that would help relieve the Italian of his embarrassment instead he stood up and stormed over to the grinning Prussian before he grabbed him by the ear and dragged him out of the room.  Francis blinked in confusion before he turned to look at Arthur was shaking his head. 

"Was it something I said?" He asked causing Arthur sigh in exasperation before he grinned at the Frenchman. 

"You are very lucky that you are cute Francis" Was all he said before he walked out of the room leaving Francis sitting there in confusion. 

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