Similarities Between People And Slinkies

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Gilbert yawned tiredly as he flipped through the channels, there was absolutely nothing on. He didn't even spare Lovino a glance when he plopped down onto the couch beside him, he just continued to flip through channels. 

"Some people are like slinkies" Lovino suddenly announced causing Gilbert's to slowly turn to face him with a confused look on his face. 

"Explain" He said slowly to which Lovino just shrugged and gave him a small smirk. 

"They're not really good for anything but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs" He said cheerfully causing Gilbert's eyes to widen almost comically as he leaned away from the grinning Italian. 

"Please don't push Ludwig down the stairs, or me for that matter" He said worriedly. In response Lovino just stuck his tongue out at him and swiped the remote from his lax fingers. From the way he was now grinning Gilbert got a very bad feeling. 

"You already did, didn't you?" He asked exasperated which caused an even larger grin to appear on the Italian's face. 

"Can't prove it!" Was all he said before going back to surfing channels. Gilbert sighed and placed his head into his hands. He just knew Ludwig was going to call later screaming, he was so looking forward to that conversation. 

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