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Francis hummed softly as he flipped through his book, it was an incredibly slow day at the shop. He'd only had two customers so far and he was starting to get bored. He glanced up from the book when he heard the door chime, he watched bemused a very cute and very angry looking brunette stormed towards him. And before he could even greet the man he slapped a twenty dollar bill onto the counter. 

"How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?" He questioned angrily in an Italian accented voice causing Francis to blink up at him in shock. 

"Pardon?" He asked causing the man to huff in frustration. 

"I need to tell someone to fuck off, but with flowers" He stressed causing Francis to tilt his head to the side curiously. 

"May I ask why?" He asked which caused the Italian to let out a long sigh. 

"There's still fucking annoying Spaniard who lives across from me who won't take no as an answer, his brother told me that he knows the language of flowers so I hope that giving him flowers that tell him to fuck off will finally get the message across" He explained in one breath causing Francis to give him a stunned look. 

"So can you help me or what?" He questioned which snapped Francis out of his daze. 

"Um yes I think I have just what you're looking for, give me a moment"  He said before slipping into the back. 


Lovino huffed as he watched the, very attractive, blonde Frenchman walk into the back of the shop. He really hoped this worked because if he had that stupid Spaniard declare his undying love to him one more fucking time he might just kill him, or himself whichever was quicker. 

"Here we are, this should suffice" The Frenchman announced as he walked back over holding a bouquet of flowers, none of which he knew. 

"What do they all mean" He asked as accepted the bouquet from the blonde. He grinned as he began pointing at each of the flowers. 

"Geraniums for stupidity, foxglove for insincerity, meadowsweet for uselessness, yellow carnations for you have disappointed me, and orange lilies for hatred" He explained with a bright grin on his face which caused a smirk to appear on Lovino's face. 

"Perfect" He said causing the blonde's smile to become near blinding. 

"I'm glad I could help, hopefully, this will get your neighbour to leave you alone" He said and Lovino nodded absently, he really hoped that it would. 

"Thank you, um..." He trailed off as he realized he didn't know the blondes name. 

"Francis, Francis Bonnefoy" He said as he reached his hand out, Lovino grinned as he reached over to shake the man's hand. 

"Lovino Vargas" He stated as he retracted his arm. 

"Well it was pleasure doing business with you Lovino" He stated as he winked at which caused a faint blush to appear on Lovino's face. 

"Yes, um thank you again" He muttered in embarrassment before he quickly turned on his heel and powerwalked out of the shop. As he was getting back into his car he noticed a piece of paper slip out of bouquet, and when he picked it up his blush grew when he realized that it was the blondes phone number. 

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