Love Is Blind

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Gilbert raised an eyebrow as he sat down next to Francis, the Frenchman was completely spaced out. Gilbert followed his line of sight and saw that he was staring at Arthur, he had to roll his eyes at this Francis was so obvious with his crush it was ridiculous.

"What do you even see in him?" He asked which snapped Francis out of his daydreaming. He raised an eyebrow at Gilbert before glancing back at Arthur with a dreamy expression on his face. 

"He's so kind" He listed offhandedly causing Gilbert to raise an unimpressed eyebrow. 

"He laughed at a child for slipping on ice this morning" He countered but Francis just continued on as if the Prussian hadn't even spoken. 

"So talented" He said sweetly causing Gilbert to roll his eyes. 

"Playing the triangle is not talent" He retorted but Francis just continued to ignore his comments. 

"He's so hot" He said as a goofy grin appeared on his face. Gilbert raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Arthur and saw that the Brit's face all scrunched up as he yelled at Alfred, the Brit was like the opposite of hot at this moment. 

"Are talking about the same person?" He questioned to himself but Francis just got up and walked over to Arthur causing Gilbert to roll his eyes. 

"I guess love is blind" He muttered to himself before he wondered off to go find Matthew, his birdie had promised to give him more maple syrup. 

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