Age Limit

494 12 1

"What has got you in such high spirits?" Matthew asked curiously as he stared at his brother who was practically bouncing in place as he fiddled with an old coin. He turned to give Matthew an excited grin. 

"I convinced Lucille and Cheng to go gambling with me and I'm feeling lucky" He said cheerfully causing Matthew to raise an eyebrow at him. 

"Isn't the legal age to gamble in the states 21?" He asked teasingly only to blink when Alfred gave him a mischievous grin. 

"It's 19 in Canada, 18 depending on the state" He sweetly causing Matthew to huff loudly in frustration. 

"You have got to stop going to my country to get away with things you can't do in your own" He said sternly which caused Alfred to give him a childish pout which quickly disappeared when he heard the doorbell. A grin quickly over took his face as he raced towards the door. 

"Hey Lucille, Cheng" He said excitedly as the duo gave him equally excited grins. 

"You ready to go?" Lucille asked excitedly and Alfred eagerly nodded as he lead the two of them towards his jet though he did turn around to give Matthew a cheeky grin. 

"Don't wait up" He said cheekily causing Matthew to groan as he flopped down on the couch. Of course the week he comes to visit his brother heads off to go gamble in his country. 

"Whatever, I'm going to raid his fridge" He grumbled to himself as he got up t do just that. 

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