Angry Prank Call

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This chapter is dedicated to Holly (from Ao3) who suggested the prompt for it. Sorry, it took so long I was torn between making this comedic or angsty. 


Alfred raised an eyebrow as he watched his brother pace back and forth with a frustrated expression on his face. The Canadian had stormed in about fifteen minutes ago and hadn't stopped pacing since. 

"Who did it this time?" He finally asked causing Matthew to whirl around to face him. 

"Fucking Carlos, again! He claims to be my friend but he's always mistaking me for you!" He shouted before huffing and collapsing onto the couch next to Alfred who was giving him a sad look. He shuffled closer so that he could rest his head against Matthew's shoulder. 

"I'm sorry" He mumbled causing Matthew to sigh tiredly before he wrapped his arm around Alfred's shoulders. 

"It's not your fault everyone else is a bunch of idiots" He mumbled causing Alfred to huff softly in amusement. 

"Still it's not fair that the only time people seem to acknowledge your presence is to yell at you for something I did" He mumbled weakly causing Matthew to sigh once again. 

"Stop blaming yourself, Alfred" He said causing a pout to appear on the American's face, he'd blame himself all he wants. 

"Anyways are you going to do the thing?" He asked causing a smirk to appear on Matthew's face. 

"Why of course" He said mischievously as he pulled out his phone and dialled Carlos' phone number. It rang three times before the Cuban finally picked up. 

"Hello?" He asked only for Matthew to start shouting in a gruff sounding voice, he was throwing around so many insults and swears that Lovino would look like a saint in comparison. 

Alfred bit his lip to keep himself from laughing, seeing his normal mild tempered brother lose his shit was absolutely hilarious. He got up from the couch to grab some ice cream from the freezer so that Matthew had something to soothe his throat with after he was done his verbal rampage against Carlos. 

He returned to the couch just as Matthew finished shouting, he hung before Carlos could process that the shouting was over. He plopped back down onto the couch and handed over the ice cream tub, Matthew raised an eyebrow at the sight of it causing Alfred to roll his eyes. 

"Yes, it maple flavoured" He huffed causing a wide grin to appear on Matthew's face as he swiped the ice cream from his hands and began devouring it causing Alfred to laugh in amusement, his brother really loved his maple ice cream.

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