Kill Them With Cuteness

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Alfred stalked moodily into the living room where he knew Arthur was. As soon as he spotted the Brit sitting on the couch and reading a book he quickly made his way towards. Without giving the Brit any warning he flopped straight into his lap.

"Attention!" He demanded impatiently and without even looking up from his book Arthur began to run his fingers through the American's hair, being careful not to hit his cowlick. A very pleased expression appeared on Alfred's face as he cuddled even further into Arthur. 

"Thanks!" He chirped sweetly before he closed his eyes and fell asleep almost instantly. Arthur just chuckled softly and continued to run his fingers through Alfred's hair. 

The American could be such a cat when he wants to be, but to be honest he found it very endearing. He suddenly stiffened as he noticed something about the American's face. 

He was blepping. 

"You really are a cat" Arthur muttered in awe as he stared at his adorable boyfriend, who just made a content humming sound in his sleep and somehow cuddled even closer.  

"Your cuteness will be the death of me" He mumbled to himself as he slowly went back to reading his book, though his eyes kept straying back to the cute American in his lap. 

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