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Gilbert sighed in relief as Lovino finally stopped ranting about how annoying Antonio was.

"Why are you such an angry ball of salt?" He questioned causing Lovino to huff as he crossed his arms. 

"Salt makes up 98% of my personality" He sniffed before a small frown appeared on his face. 

"The other 2% is constantly worrying that I drive anyone that could ever possibly like me away and that I deserve to be abandoned by everyone stemming from abandonment issues from when I was kicked from place to place for all my pre-pubescent years" He said softly causing Gilbert to stare at him with a stunned expression on his face. 

"Dude, do you like, need a hug?" He questioned causing Lovino to give him a calculating look before he nodded. Gilbert smiled softly as he wrapped the Italian up in his arms, he chose not to mention how his shirt suddenly became wet or the soft sniffles coming from Lovino. He had some tact after all. 

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