Being Weird Is Fun

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Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose as he watched Alfred trying to dye a Barbie's hair neon green, the only explanation that he got was that he was going to make her a badass. 

"You need to stop doing weird things" He grumbled causing Alfred to give him a disappointed look. 

"I never do anything weird" He said simply before going back to his task. 

"Maybe going out will help" Arthur pressed as if the American hadn't said anything. Alfred turned back to face him with a small smile on his face. 

"Well, I went to the park today" He said which caused a grin to appear on Arthur's face. 

"There you go! I hope you got something from that-" He said only to be cut off by Alfred reaching over and grabbing his back pack. 

"Actually, I did" He said proudly before he reached into his bag and pulled something out. 

"This duck" He exclaimed proudly as he presented the nonchalant looking duck to the dumbfounded Brit. 

"Quack!" It said as it jumped out of the American's arms and sat itself right down on his lap. Arthur just stared before he let out a long suffering sigh as he turned on his heel and walked out of the room. 

"I need a drink" He grumbled to himself in exasperation. 


Alfred blinked in confusion as he watched Arthur storm out of the room before he turned his attention back to the duck sitting in his lap. 

"What do you think his problem was?" He questioned and the duck looked up at him before responding. 

"Quack" It said and Alfred nodded sagely in agreement. 

"Your right it must just be a European thing" He concluded before he went back to dying the Barbie's hair. 

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