Unique Confession

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Elizabeta grinned widely when she saw Gilbert and Roderich walk into the room holding hands. She jumped up from the couch and rushed over to them excitedly. 

"So who finally confessed?" She asked eagerly causing both of them to snort in amusement before Gilbert gave her a proud grin. 

"It was me, I made sure it was short and sweet" He said cheerfully while Roderich turned slightly to give him a deadpanned look. 

"You yelled 'listen here you little shit I have feelings for you and it's about time you acknowledged them'... from the roof" He drawled slowly causing Gilbert to blush brightly while Elizabeta started giggling. 

"It worked though" He mumbled in embarrassment, Elizabeta and Roderich shared a fond look before the Austrian leaned down to kiss the Prussian's cheek.

"Yes it did" He said fondly causing Gilbert to give him a sweet smile while Elizabeta started taking pictures, they were just to cute! 

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